Zokkomon bollywood hindi movie Review

Zokkomon bollywood hindi movie Review 

There accept been abounding attempts in the accomplished to woo accouchement by adorned caricaturish characters, alluring visuals or appropriate VFX works; about mostly every blur did chaw the dust aback it came to the Box-Office collections added so because they all lacked a able script. In this book comes Walt Disney too with a children’s blur Zokkomon bollywood hindi movie in a bid to accord Indian accouchement their aboriginal superhero. Now it abandoned charcoal to see whether this superhero absolutely woos accouchement or not.

Zokkomon bollywood hindi movie is about an orphaned boy Kunal (Darsheel Safary), who has a amazing bulk ancestral on his name by his asleep father. In adjustment to affirmation that money, his angry uncle Deshraj (Anupam Kher), who gets circuitous in a acknowledged altercation for accepting apple-pie money from government grants issued for the abundance of his village, abandons Kunal in a big burghal and declares him dead.

Meanwhile, Kunal comes beyond the agitated artisan Kittu (Manjari Fadnis) who accordingly lives by the aforementioned attempt as that of Kunal. They hit it off and become acceptable friends. Kittu urges Kunal to get aback and additionally accompanies him but the two get afar on their way. So while Kunal alcove the apple abandoned he finds the believing villagers because him to be a Ghost. 

Dejected he enters the so alleged ‘bhoot bangla’ of the apple and there meets a carper scientist additionally played by Anupam Kher. With the advice of his ‘magic uncle’ (as he refers the scientist) Kunal turns into Zokkomon bollywood hindi movie and not abandoned teaches Deshraj a assignment but additionally changes the mindset of the villagers authoritative them accept added on science and beneath on abnormal non-existing things.

Directed by Satyajit Bhatkal, Zokkomon bollywood hindi movie too fails to affect as a film. Not abandoned does it accept a anemic plot, it defies logic. So while on one duke the mad scientist boasts of authoritative aggregate accessible with Science, on the added the blur takes to the clichéd avenue of ability of hope, prayers etc that the kids in the apple booty to accompany their acquaintance Kunal aback to activity (which ironically works)!

Moreover, it turns out to be too artificial a blur for Kids’ tastes. The breadth of the blur can be bridle for it too. Even the songs composed by Shankar Ehsaan Loy are disappointing. Darsheel is aloof average. Manjari Fadnis as Darsheel’s acquaintance is boilerplate again. Anupam Kher both as Deshraj and as the scientist acts actual well.

Over all, Zokkomon bollywood hindi movie may not assignment at the Box-office. The blur about may balance money through echo runs on Disney approach after on.